9-12 February 2018; Würzburg, Germany
Date: 9 - 12 February 2018
Languages: German, English
Place: Würzburg, Germany

9-12 February 2018; Würzburg, Germany
Traditional Socratic meeting in Würzburg during the popular Carnival Weekend.
On the first day all participants are divided into several German-speaking groups and one English-speaking group
according to their interests. The participants work in these groups for the whole time. The common agenda will be translated into English.
Akademie Frankenwarte, Würzburg
Horst Gronke: Sollten wir nach einer „Leitkultur“ streben? / Should we strive for a ‘dominant’ culture?
Vander Lemes: Under what circumstances is it justified to break certain rules? (SD in English)
Veit Siegmund: Was bedeutet es, für das, was ich sage, verantwortlich zu sein?
Lucie Winklerová: „Vorsicht Rutschgefahr!“ – Wann ist es gut, ein Risiko einzugehen?